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Expense Management

imei’s Telecom Expense Management delivers managed budget control and drives responsible end user behaviour.

What is imei Expense Manager?

Enterprise success is determined by efficiency and productivity. The rise of mobility, unified communications and other cloud services, challenge enterprises with managing an increasingly complex ecosystem of telecom-related assets and services.

Telecom Expense Management, is a Business Intelligence tool to provide management and control over these current and future communication technology challenges and provide actionable insights to drive productivity and reduce expenses.

Monthly Analytics

  • Visualised data-driven insights for policies, profiles, and reconciliaton
  • Beyond-mobile reporting includes mobile, fixed and WAN
  • Multiple analysis types, including call type analysis, data usage analysis, intra-fleet and filter-based analysis
  • Controlled access defined by the organisation

Monthly managed mobility reporting

  • Usage and spend reports by organisation, business unit or end-user
  • Interactive monthly summary usage reports with click-through
  • Audience- specific reporting by business unit, project, budget or cost centre, and individual
  • Drill-down functionality from high level thorugh to end-user detail

Managed organisation structure

  • Initial configuration based on your organisation structure
  • Mobile service allocation, defined by your company's organisation structure
  • Service portal allowing self-service changes
  • Automated allocation of new services through imei's procurement portal

Professional services to support your expense management implementation

  • Mobility policy consulting
  • Carrier plan optimisation report
  • Carrier audit report
  • Carrier benchmark report
  • Subsequent major organisation structure changes / data cleansing
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Who is it for?


Organisations looking for:

  • New ways to reduce or optimise ongoing communication technology costs.
  • Scalable management solutions for current and next-generation technologies such as IoT
  • Actionable insights and business intelligence to drive operational efficiencies and improve the productivity of the workforce




imei aligns to ISO9001. The expense management solution is ISO27001 compliant with a focus on information security as required by our significant Enterprise, Government and business clientele. This also aligns with ISO9001 standards and as such, our services are underpinned by a robust and structured set of procedures and guidelines for both our staff and our clients.



Sample Dashboard

tems dashboard

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