Fast-deployment mobile connections and network for temporary sites, urgent need, first responders, disaster zones.
imei’s RMC (Rapid Mobile Connectivity) kit will connect to 4G/5G cellular networks as primary networks and/or low-Earth-orbit (LEO) satellites to establish internet and data connectivity, and provide Wi-Fi local network for communications, apps and other on-the-ground needs.
Ideal for first responders in emergency situations, temporary remote work locations, organisation site disaster mitigation connectivity or organisations which require frequent location changes.
Discover the benefits of 5G mobile data networks for businesses and how imei can help you deploy a 5G solution in just three days. Boost productivity and connectivity with faster speeds and lower latency.
Ensure uninterrupted network connectivity and boost business productivity with 5G bandwidth. Learn how 5G can eliminate network interruptions and optimise collaboration tools and intelligent technologies. Find out how to deploy fast and reliable 5G business internet for constant connectivity.
Discover how Telstra's Enhanced Enterprise Wireless Service, delivered by imei, can accelerate your 5G future. With guaranteed network availability and enhanced infrastructure, unlock the potential of 5G for your business.